Lockhaven Express Letter to the Editor: “The Word About Mr. McCormick’s Residency, Or Lack Thereof, Seems To Be Getting Out”

Centre Daily Times Letter to the Editor: “David McCormick Is Openly Embracing Those Who Seek To Undermine [Democracy]”

PENNSYLVANIA — Pennsylvanians are calling out Connecticut hedge-fund CEO and mega-millionaire David McCormick for lying about living in Pennsylvania and embracing election deniers and January 6 insurrectionists in letters to the editor across the Commonwealth.

Here’s What Pennsylvanians Are Saying:

PennLive: Just your average PA guy, that is if you live in CT and are a multi-millionaire

  • In selecting their 2024 Senate candidate … Republicans rejected everyone in Pennsylvania and everyone in the six states neighboring Pennsylvania. Instead, Republicans tapped David McCormick, a Connecticut carpetbagger who’s never been a legislator nor held elected public office.
  • Republicans just don’t seem to care how well McCormick can do the job for you, so long as he does the job for them.
  • McCormick is just another multi-millionaire with a midlife crisis seeking to buy a US Senate seat. The Republican’s solution to selling you their latest pet-rock candidate: spend millions on TV fantasy ads that McCormick is just a regular guy who cares about you and your problems.
  • Look at how McCormick solved the pesky Pennsylvania residency requirement by using only about two percent of his wealth to buy a $2.8 million house in Pittsburgh, the cheapest of his multiple residences in other states.

Lockhaven Express: Did Dave show his license?

  • The word about Mr. McCormick’s residency, or lack thereof, seems to be getting out.
  • Pennsylvania voters want Pennsylvania residents to represent them in Washington.
  • If you care about where our elected representatives reside that represent us, ask Dave for a copy of his Pennsylvania driver’s license if you see him.

Centre Daily Times: Letters: election deniers near public office

  • Unfortunately, while a majority of the country has expressed an interest in preserving our democracy, Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate David McCormick is openly embracing those who seek to undermine it once again this November. 
  • To any voter concerned about the fate of our democracy in the 2024 election, McCormick’s ties to election deniers, criminally indicted fake electors, and January 6 insurrectionists should be alarming. 
  • He hired a fake elector who was part of an effort to the overturn the 2020 election, his campaign paid a criminally indicted co-conspirator in Donald Trump’s fake elector scheme in Georgia, he has attended fundraisers hosted by fake electors, and fake electors signed a letter of support for McCormick’s campaign. If that wasn’t enough, he was proudly endorsed by Doug Mastriano, an outspoken election denier and January 6 insurrectionist
  • Every political candidate and elected official should be working hard to push these people undermining democracy back to the fringes of our electoral politics where they belong. 
  • The fact that McCormick has done the complete opposite should make the choice to vote him down obvious to any Pennsylvania voter concerned with protecting our democracy.
