PennLive Op-Ed: “Pennsylvanians Need to Reject Leaders Like Dave McCormick Whose Investments Helped Speed Along the Development of Our Adversary’s Military”

PennLive Letter to the Editor: “If You Care About Where Our Elected Representatives Reside, Ask Dave for a Copy of His PA Driver’s License If You See Him”

PENNSYLVANIA — Pennsylvanians are calling out Connecticut hedge-fund CEO and mega-millionaire David McCormick for investing millions in Chinese military companies and lying about living in Pennsylvania.

Here’s What Pennsylvanians Are Saying:

PennLive Op-Ed: We need leaders who can stand up to the threat from China

  • As a veteran and voter in Pennsylvania, I am shocked by a new report that shows […] McCormick shoveled millions in investments to blacklisted Chinese manufacturers responsible for propping up the Chinese military.
  • McCormick’s work prioritized America’s adversary while undermining the United States’ national security, all so he could protect his bottom line and maximize Bridgewater’s profits – and it’s despicable that he chose to do it with the hard-earned dollars of Pennsylvania workers.
  • McCormick has shown that he is only committed to helping himself. [He] has a long record of consistently putting himself over our country and he has deep ties to other foreign adversaries.
  • Pennsylvanians need to reject leaders like Dave McCormick whose investments helped speed along the development of our adversary’s military.

PennLive Letter to the Editor: Ask Dave to show you his driver’s license

  • PA Republicans are also asking McCormick, in addition to providing a copy of his Pa. license, why his “residence” near Pittsburgh is in a corporation and not in his name, also proof he is not a “true” resident.
  • The word about Mr. McCormick’s residency, or lack thereof, seems to be getting out.
  • If you care about where our elected representatives reside, ask Dave for a copy of his Pa. driver’s license if you see him.
  • “True Pa. Republicans” are saying NO, to McCormick in the upcoming election.

Press Enterprise Letter to the Editor: Does McCormick still follow code?

  • The Army assigned me to the academic faculty at the United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., the summer of 1987. David McCormick, current candidate for Pennsylvania’s senate seat, was among that year’s cadets to earn promotion to second lieutenant. Four years earlier David had been a plebe and on day one of his USMA experience had been drilled in the following words: A cadet will not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do.
  • So here is my question for candidate David, given Donald Trump’s less than sterling ability to speak the truth (30,573 confirmed lies during his first administration according to The Washington Post). Are you willing to publicly condemn Trump each time his public pronouncements wander into the realm of fiction masquerading as truth? 
  • I will remind you David of another lesson of your first Academy summer, namely that moral courage requires that you do the harder right rather than the easier wrong
