Scranton Times-Tribune Letter to the Editor: “With Dave McCormick, the Only Thing We Can Count on Is Being Misled”

PennLive Letter to the Editor: “David McCormick, Celebrated The Dobbs Decision As A … ‘Huge Victory’”

PENNSYLVANIA — Pennsylvanians are calling out Connecticut hedge fund CEO and mega-millionaire David McCormick for lying about being a job creator following a new report  from WHYY exposing McCormick’s real record of laying off hundreds of workers in Pittsburgh as CEO of Freemarkets.

McCormick is also getting slammed for celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade and his support for a national abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.

Here’s What Pennsylvanians Are Saying:

Scranton Times-Tribune Letter to the Editor: McCormick misleads about his record, residence

  • Pennsylvania needs a senator who cares more about creating jobs in the Commonwealth than he does about padding his own pockets. Dave McCormick has been lying about his job-cutting history. On July 9, WHYY published a report that outed the software company (FreeMarkets) CEO as just another slash-and-burn outsourcer, cutting jobs in Pennsylvania while shipping them to India and China. Maybe he should run for public office there? At least his claims of job creation would be true. He made millions personally while at FreeMarkets. I doubt he shared any of that with the people he let go. A bit of honesty from the candidate would be welcome, or was that shipped off to Asia as well?
  • This applies to his actual state of residence, as well. McCormick flies in from Bridgeport to attend political events in Pennsylvania. As senator, would he continue to live in Connecticut while pretending to represent our commonwealth?
  • Pennsylvanians need to know that their senator will be straight with them. With Dave McCormick, the only thing we can count on is being misled.

PennLive Letter to the Editor: Vote against Dave McCormick’s dangerous anti-choice agenda

  • Since the fall of Roe two years ago, people across the country are sharing stories of what is at stake when we lose access to reproductive care.
  • After the Dobbs decision, we have heard horrific stories that have resulted from abortion bans. And it is clear that there are repercussions in all areas of reproductive healthcare – from emergency care in pregnancy, to birth control, to IVF. Yet politicians continue to push more extreme anti-abortion bills and rhetoric, without an understanding of medicine, ethics, or human suffering.
  • In Pennsylvania, the Republican Senate candidate, David McCormick, celebrated the Dobbs decision as a “great step forward” and a “huge victory.” He promises to vote for a national abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest, if elected to the Senate.
  • Access to reproductive care is on the ballot this November. In Pennsylvania, we must continue to defend and expand the rights we had under Roe by voting against David McCormick’s dangerous anti-choice agenda.
