Trump, MAGA Republicans’ ACA Repeal Could Rip Away Health Care From Young Pennsylvanians

As Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans continue to lean in on their threats of repealing the landmark Affordable Care Act (ACA), 89,000 young Pennsylvanians are at risk of losing their ability to remain on their parents’ insurance. 

“If Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans get their way and succeed in repealing the Affordable Care Act, the health care of Pennsylvania’s youth will be in jeopardy. President Biden and Vice President Harris have been committed to ensuring that all Americans have access to the care they need by taking on Big Pharma and lowering health care costs, but if Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans get the opportunity to dismantle the ACA, that progress could be stripped back and young Pennsylvanians could be kicked off of their parents’ insurance,” said Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chair Senator Sharif Street. “The health of our communities is on the line, and in November 2024, young people across Pennsylvania will remember it was President Biden and Vice President Harris who fought to protect their health care.”

Here’s what repealing the Affordable Care Act could mean for young people:

  • 89,000 young adults in Pennsylvania currently have the option to remain on their parents’ policies, which could be eliminated if the ACA is repealed, leaving many college graduates and others with no insurance.
  • Young adults’ health and finances could be put at risk:
    • Nearly half of uninsured young adults report problems paying medical bills.
    • One in six young adults has a chronic illness like cancer, diabetes, or asthma
    • Nearly half of uninsured young adults report problems paying medical bills.
  • Young adults already have the highest rate of uninsured of any age group and lowest rate of access to employer-based insurance. 
    • About 30% of young adults are uninsured, representing more than one in five of the uninsured. This rate is three times higher than the uninsured rate among children.
    • The uninsured rate among employed young adults is one-third higher than older employed adults.
