The last time the GOP field joined for a debate, it devolved into “ugly” “personal attacks

PENNSYLVANIA – Tonight the GOP Senate candidates will be coming together once again on stage as part of NewsMax’s primary debate. The last time the field met for a debate, the event devolved into nasty personal attacks and promises from the field to continue to push false election conspiracies and oppose all abortion rights, even in cases of rape and incest. Tonight should provide even more fireworks from one of the country’s messiest and most expensive primaries.

The debate will take place the same week that Trump is scheduled to hold an event with his endorsed candidate, New Jersey daytime TV host Mehmet Oz. Oz beat out Connecticut hedge fund executive David McCormick for Trump’s endorsement, something that Oz brought up repeatedly in the last debate. The endorsement proved to make an already messy primary even more chaotic, with attacks immediately ramping up between the two carpetbaggers and Trump even slamming McCormick for his ties to China during a tele-townhall with Oz.

Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesperson Jack Doyle issued the following statement:

“The country’s messiest primary gets nastier every single day, and tonight’s debate is sure to escalate things, as Trump’s event with Oz is only going to make tensions higher.

Tonight we can expect another debate filled with vicious attacks. Between McCormick’s ties to China, his history of outsourcing Pennsylvania jobs and his well earned reputation as a political chameleon who will do or say anything to get ahead, there’s plenty for the field to work with.”
