McCormick Opposed Bipartisan Bill to Secure the Border and Combat Illegal Fentanyl Trafficking

PENNSYLVANIA — As David McCormick tries to cover up his record at today’s fentanyl campaign event, here’s what you need to know: last week, David McCormick came out against a historic, bipartisan deal which would have helped stop fentanyl from coming into the country. The bill included the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, co-sponsored by Senator Bob Casey, which would crack down on fentanyl trafficking that is devastating Pennsylvania communities.

Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesperson TaNisha Cameron issued the following statement:

“David McCormick is pretending to care about Americans’ safety but he refused to support a bill that would actually combat fentanyl trafficking. McCormick putting partisanship ahead of Pennsylvania communities is another reason why he can’t be trusted.” 

Here’s What to Know About the Bipartisan Bill McCormick Opposed:

  • Wall Street Journal: “The [bipartisan border] package also include[d] the bipartisan Fend Off Fentanyl Act that targets the illicit fentanyl supply chain.”
  • Politico: “The Drug Enforcement Administration would receive more than $23 million to disrupt and disband Mexican cartels trafficking fentanyl across the southern border.”
  • ABC News: The bipartisan border package included “The FEND Off Fentanyl Act to impose sanctions on groups and nations that participate in the distribution of the ultra-deadly opioid.” 
  • Associated Press: “[The bipartisan border package] would also authorize sanctions and anti-money laundering tools against criminal enterprises that traffic fentanyl into the U.S.”
  • NBC News: The bipartisan border deal included bipartisan legislation to “target, sanction and block the financial assets of people involved in the fentanyl supply chain, from chemical suppliers in China to drug traffickers from mexico.”  
