McCormick is Trying to Paper Over His Record of Supporting Abortion Bans with No Exceptions for Rape or Incest

Dr. Sherry Blumenthal, OB/GYN: “We heard David McCormick loud and clear when embraced an extreme agenda that would put the lives of Pennsylvania women at risk”

PENNSYLVANIA — Last week, David McCormick came under fire from Pennsylvania doctors and elected officials for his extreme position on abortion. In response, McCormick has tried to run from his well-established record of supporting an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. 

Today, Pennsylvania doctors are slamming McCormick for trying to paper over his dangerous record: 

“We heard David McCormick loud and clear when embraced an extreme agenda that would put the lives of Pennsylvania women at risk,” said Sherry Blumenthal, retired Pennsylvania OB/GYN. “Now he thinks he can fool voters with political smoke and mirrors, but with reproductive rights at stake, we cannot afford to let him get away with this.”

“I watched David McCormick stand on a debate stage and refuse to support exceptions for rape or incest,” said Karen Feisullin, Pennsylvania OB/GYN. “Pennsylvanians won’t forget how extreme he is on this issue.”

WATCH: David McCormick supports an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest during 2022 GOP debate

Read more about McCormick’s support for an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest:

  • 4/26/22: WHYY reported “asked if they would support exceptions in cases of rape and incest… Oz and McCormick both eventually said they support exceptions to a ban if a mother risks death.” 
  • 4/27/22: Pennsylvania Capital-Star: “Every candidate said they support restricting abortion access, with… Bartos, Oz, and McCormick — saying they are in favor of exceptions in cases where a mother’s life is at risk.” 
  • 5/3/22: The Philadelphia Inquirer reported “Senate Republican Candidates have broadly said they support abortion restrictions, with minimal exceptions” noting that McCormick said, “there should be exceptions for life of the mother.”
  • 5/6/22: Bucks County Courier Times reported “McCormick… And Barnette… have said they would make exceptions in cases where the life of the mother is at risk.
  • 5/8/22: Axios: “David McCormick…Said during a debate in Harrisburg last month he’s fully against all scenarios involving abortion, apart from ‘in the very rare instances there should be exceptions for the life of the mother.’” 
  • 5/10/22: Time: “McCormick, too, has adopted a stance for an almost-blanket ban on abortion except ‘in the very rare instances there should be exceptions for the life of the mother.’”
  • 5/13/22: PhillyVoice: “McCormick Has said he opposes abortion except ‘in the very rare instances there should be exceptions for the life of the mother.’” 
  • 5/14/22: Toronto Star: “McCormick…has also taken a hard line on abortion bans, even in cases of rape or incest, except for ‘the very rare instances there should be exceptions for the life of the mother.’”
  • 6/21/23: Huffington Post: “McCormick has said… he does not support exceptions in abortion laws for rape or incest.”
