David McCormick To Appear With Trump Fake Elector Sam DeMarco 

McCormick Refuses to Respond to Questions About Trump and DeMarco, Who Also Runs McCormick’s PAC

PENNSYLVANIA — Hedge fund executive and potential Senate candidate David McCormick is dodging questions about Donald Trump’s indictment before a scheduled event with one of Trump’s fake electors, according to new reporting from the Pennsylvania Capital-Star

According to the reporting, McCormick will appear this evening at an event with Sam DeMarco, who was named as one of Trump’s fake electors — and is also the chair of McCormick’s own PAC, Pennsylvania Rising.  

McCormick dodged all questions about President Trump, his indictment, and McCormick’s involvement with a fake elector: 

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: A spokesperson for McCormick did not respond to questions seeking McCormick’s comment on the Trump indictment, DeMarco’s role as a fraudulent elector, whether DeMarco would continue as chairperson of McCormick’s PAC, and whether McCormick would endorse Trump for president in 2024.

Despite McCormick aggressively seeking the former president’s endorsement during his 2022 campaign, Trump sank McCormick’s campaign when he endorsed Dr. Oz and called McCormick a “Wall Street Republican” who “managed money for communist China.” 

ICYMI: Pennsylvania Capital-Star: U.S. Senate prospect McCormick, GOP operative tied to fake elector scheme to share stage

  • Dave McCormick, who is widely expected to make a repeat bid for the GOP nomination to run for U.S. Senate next year, is set to share a stage Thursday with a prominent Pennsylvania Republican with a connection to former President Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. 
  • Sam DeMarco III and McCormick, who lost the Republican Senate primary last year, are on the bill of speakers with 10 other Republican candidates at a fundraiser Thursday evening in Allegheny County for the Bethel Park Republican Committee.
  • DeMarco, who is also chairperson of McCormick’s political action committee, Pennsylvania Rising, is one of 20 people who signed a certificate in December 2020 stating that they had cast electoral college votes for Trump when President Joe Biden had been declared the winner of the popular vote.
  • A spokesperson for McCormick did not respond to questions seeking McCormick’s comment on the Trump indictment, DeMarco’s role as a fraudulent elector, whether DeMarco would continue as chairperson of McCormick’s PAC, and whether McCormick would endorse Trump for president in 2024.
  • “Generally I think the majority of Pennsylvania voters frown on trying to overthrow the government so I think it is likely a liability in the general election,” said Joe Corrigan of the political consulting firm Edge Hill Strategies.
