NBC News: “McCormick Recently Dodged When Asked Where He Spends Most of His Time”

GOP Campaign Operative: “Bob Casey is Like Mr. Pennsylvania. There’s No Way Dave Will Ever Out-Pennsylvania Bob Casey”

PENNSYLVANIA — A new report from NBC News is putting David McCormick’s Connecticut residency back in the spotlight despite his attempts to cover it up. McCormick is refusing to answer questions about how much time he actually spends in Pennsylvania as evidence he actually lives in Connecticut keeps mounting.

ICYMI: NBC News: Democrats are trying to turn the GOP’s 2024 Senate contenders into Dr. Oz

  • “Senate Republicans’ roster of candidates is full of carpetbaggers with tenuous ties to the states they’re running in,” said Tommy Garcia, a spokesperson for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. “These out-of-state GOP Senate candidates are badly out of touch with the voters that they want to represent and it will lead their campaigns to defeat in 2024.
  • […] Democrats working to re-elect Sen. Bob Casey have accused McCormick of lying about where he lives because of a mansion he rents along the Long Island Sound in Westport, Connecticut. 
  • Pennsylvania Democratic Party officials routinely circulate stories and details about the mansion, which includes a 1,500-bottle wine cellar, The Associated Press reported last year. They point out how McCormick recently dodged when asked where he spends most of his time. When McCormick began a bus tour last weekend, Casey’s campaign sent a mobile billboard to one event to advertise the fact that he was “216 miles away” from Westport. 
  • McCormick also did himself no favors last fall when he mispronounced the name of Pennsylvania’s beloved Yuengling beer on a conservative podcast — a blunder reminiscent of the time Oz went shopping for items to assemble a crudité platter and butchered the name of a local grocery store chain.
  • An adviser close to Oz’s campaign […]: “Bob Casey is like Mr. Pennsylvania. There’s no way Dave will ever out-Pennsylvania Bob Casey […]”
