PennLive Letter to the Editor: “Would You Trust a Multi-Millionaire Hedge Fund Manager to Represent Your Interests in The Senate? I Don’t.”

PENNSYLVANIA — Ahead of David McCormick’s birthday, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party wanted to wish him a happy birthday by gathering the (not-so) well wishes that Pennsylvanians have sent his way. 

As We Celebrate McCormick’s Birthday, Here’s What Pennsylvanians Have to Say: 

Centre Daily Times Letter to the Editor: McCormick Puts Profits Ahead Of Pennsylvanians

  • McCormick’s investments are completely disqualifying for someone who wants to represent Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate.

Leader-Vindicator Letter to the Editor: McCormick profited as PA suffered

  • Pennsylvanians deserve a leader who will always tell the truth. Here is yet another reason why we can’t trust Dave McCormick to keep Pennsylvanians safe.

PennLive Letter to the Editor: Vote against Dave McCormick’s dangerous anti-choice agenda

  • Access to reproductive care is on the ballot this November. In Pennsylvania, we must continue to defend and expand the rights we had under Roe by voting against David McCormick’s dangerous anti-choice agenda.

Bucks County Beacon Letter to the Editor: Senator Bob Casey will fight for women’s reproductive freedom

  • Doctors such as OB/GYNs, must be able to continue providing care in collaboration with our patients. Politicians, like David McCormick, cannot be allowed to make these decisions with dangerously out-of-touch views. He must be rejected in November.

PennLive Letter to the Editor: Who is Dave McCormick?

  • McCormick doesn’t believe in a woman’s right to choose.

PennLive Op-Ed: We need leaders who can stand up to the threat from China

  • Pennsylvanians need to reject leaders like Dave McCormick whose investments helped speed along the development of our adversary’s military.

Daily Item: How to protect farmers

  • If he’s proposing another tax cut, it’s not to help the family farmer. It’s to help wealthy people. Mr. McCormick is an ex-CEO hedge fund manager raising his family in Connecticut who owns a family farm in Bloomsburg. If he argues for a tax cut, it is for wealthy people like himself and not for the family farmer.

Observer-Reporter Letter to the Editor: McCormick pretending to be a farmer is insulting

  • Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate David McCormick is failing spectacularly at trying to connect with Pennsylvanians, and now he’s taken a step too far by pretending he grew up on a family farm.

Courier Express Letter to the Editor: McCormick’s Charade

  • Unfortunately, being a farmer isn’t the only thing McCormick is lying about. He is lying about living in Pennsylvania, his stance on abortion, and his record of killing American jobs.

Centre Daily Times Letter to the Editor: Letters: No more election deniers near public office

  • To any voter concerned about the fate of our democracy in the 2024 election, McCormick’s ties to election deniers, criminally indicted fake electors, and January 6 insurrectionists should be alarming.

PennLive Letter to the Editor: Ask Dave to show you his driver’s license

  • “True Pa. Republicans” are saying NO, to McCormick in the upcoming election.

PennLive Letter to the Editor: Just your average PA guy, that is if you live in CT and are a multi-millionaire

  • McCormick is just another multi-millionaire with a midlife crisis seeking to buy a US Senate seat. The Republican’s solution to selling you their latest pet-rock candidate: spend millions on TV fantasy ads that McCormick is just a regular guy who cares about you and your problems.

Republican Herald: True Republicans shouldn’t vote for ‘Trumplicans’ 

  • Our senator, Robert Casey, is being challenged by a carpetbagger from Connecticut. Yes, Dave McCormick, who essentially resides in a rented mansion in the Constitution State. He does own a home in the Pittsburgh area, however the majority of his time has been spent outside Pennsylvania over the past decades. A nice tax dodge if you can afford it.

Lockhaven Express Letter to the Editor: Did Dave show his license?

  • The word about Mr. McCormick’s residency, or lack thereof, seems to be getting out.

TribLive Letter to the Editor: We can’t trust McCormick

  • We can’t trust McCormick. Pennsylvanians deserve better. We deserve Sen. Bob Casey, who will work for all Pennsylvanians.

PennLive Letter to the Editor: I don’t know where Dave McCormick stands on the issues

  • Would you trust a multi-millionaire hedge fund manager to represent your interests in the Senate? I don’t.

Scranton Times-Tribune Letter to the Editor: McCormick misleads about his record, residence

  • Pennsylvanians need to know that their senator will be straight with them. With Dave McCormick, the only thing we can count on is being misled.
