Perry Played a “Direct Role” in Plots to Overturn the 2020 Election and Voted Against Certifying Pennsylvania’s Election Results

Perry Has Endorsed McCormick for Senate

PENNSYLVANIA — David McCormick is spending Independence Day weekend with Scott Perry, an extreme, far-right election denier who played a “direct role” in plots to overturn the 2020 election and undermine democracy.

McCormick is campaigning with Perry despite his record as a far-right extremist. Perry was recorded in May of 2024 calling the Ku Klux Klan “the military wing of the Democratic Party,” co-sponsored a bill that would ban abortion nationwide, and is spreading the racist replacement conspiracy theory

Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesperson TaNisha Cameron issued the following statement:

“McCormick is continuing to side with dangerous election deniers, January 6 insurrectionists, and staunch supporters of nationwide abortion bans. His record of associating with dangerous extremists who undermine democracy and MAGA officials who also attack women’s right to make decisions about their own bodies is disqualifying.”

Here’s Scott Perry’s History of Supporting Anti-Abortion Legislation, Election Denialism, and Dangerous Conspiracy Theories:

  • He played a “direct role” in the effort to overturn the results of Pennsylvania’s 
  • He voted against certifying the results of Pennsylvania’s 2020 presidential election.

Here’s a Look at David McCormick’s Own Ties to Election Deniers:

  • McCormick hired a fake elector who was part of an effort to overturn the 2020 election to run his Super PAC.
  • McCormick paid a criminally indicted co-conspirator in Donald Trump’s fake elector schemes in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin to help his recount efforts in the 2022 Pennsylvania Senate Republican primary.
  • McCormick was endorsed by Doug Mastriano, an outspoken election denier and January 6 insurrectionist. McCormick has never denounced Mastriano’s participation in the January 6 insurrection. 

Here’s a Look at David McCormick’s Dangerous Abortion Agenda:

  • When asked directly in a debate last year whether he believed there should be exceptions for abortion in the cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother, McCormick responded only “in the very rare instances there should be exceptions for the life of the mother.”
    • Axios: “David McCormick…said during a debate in Harrisburg last month he’s fully against all scenarios involving abortion, apart from ‘in the very rare instances there should be exceptions for the life of the mother.’”
    • HuffPost: “McCormick has said that life begins at conception and that he does not support exceptions in abortion laws for rape or incest.
    • HuffPost: “McCormick said in a May 2022 debate with Oz that he supports banning abortion with an exception only when the pregnant person’s life is in danger, and not in cases of rape or incest.”
    • WESA: There was no “pushback from the McCormick campaign.”
