New Reporting Reveals McCormick Deleted Interview From Campaign YouTube Where He Said Overturning Roe “Would Be A Huge Step Forward And A Huge Victory For The Protection Of Life”

PENNSYLVANIA — The day before David McCormick is set to launch his campaign, new reporting from WESA has caught McCormick trying to erase his stance on abortion. McCormick supports an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. 

McCormick deleted footage from his campaign YouTube of a 2022 interview with Fox News in which he celebrated the overturning of Roe, saying it “would be a huge step forward and a huge victory for the protection of life.

The news follows a report by The Associated Press that caught McCormick in yet another lie to voters about living in Pennsylvania when has actually been living on Connecticut’s “gold coast.

ICYMI: WESA: As McCormick prepares new Senate campaign, abortion questions linger

  • When former hedge fund manager David McCormick launches his bid for US Senate, as he is expected to do Thursday in Pittsburgh, he won’t just be facing three-term Democratic incumbent Bob Casey. He’ll also be reckoning with his 2022 bid for the same office … and with the sea change in abortion rights that has taken place since that bid came up short.
  • McCormick told Fox News host Laura Ingraham two weeks before the primary that overturning Roe “would be a huge step forward and a huge victory for the protection of life.”
  • “We see a lot of times where candidates try to scrub their position or take down social media,” said Signe Espinoza, the executive director at Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates. “But abortion rights supporters are paying attention.”
  • State Democrats aren’t buying it. Maddy McDaniel, a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, accused McCormick of “lying in an attempt to cover up his long track record of supporting an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.”
