McCormick Said His Abortion Position is “Something We Need to Get Past” 

PENNSYLVANIA — Yesterday, voters across Pennsylvania had an opportunity to hear David McCormick’s disastrous record including his lies about where he lives and the details of his background, his anti-choice agenda including support for an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest, and his record of investments with China.

What Pennsylvanians Are Watching:

McCormick Said His Dangerous Abortion Position is Something Voters “Need to Get Past”:

  • Dennis Owens: Thank you. Mr. McCormick, a rebuttal on abortion. You have 30 seconds.
  • David McCormick: […] I’m not going to take any preaching from Senator Casey on my position on abortion, and it’s something that we need to get past […]

McCormick Admitted His Investments in Chinese Fentanyl Were Fact-Check TRUE: 

  • Dennis Owens: […] Mr. McCormick. There is reporting that says, as CEO of Bridgewater, you oversaw investments in a Chinese company that produced fentanyl. Can you explain those investments?
  • […]
  • Senator Casey: […] That was fact checked. Look, Mr. McCormick…
  • David McCormick: It was fact checked, you’re right.

McCormick Laughed As Senator Casey Told the Story of a Woman Who Lost Her Loved One to a Fentanyl Overdose:

  • Senator Casey: I’ve met so many families across the state, and whether it’s a Sheriff in Blair County or a mom in Allegheny County, Janet that I met who talked about her daughter, Brianna, this is an awful, awful tragedy for those families. That’s why we need to invest in the strategies that we know work. He won’t do that because he’s weak in the face of the political pressure from his own party. 

Bob Casey Called out McCormick for Lying About Being A Farmer:

  • Senator Casey: Well, he told a lie and I think most people know that now. He also lied about being a farmer, he said that while he was a candidate. He’s not a farmer, he was a hedge fund CEO […]

Bob Casey Slammed McCormick for His Investments in China: 

  • Senator Casey: Look, I think the record of his investments are pretty damning. When you look at the investments in those China entities, whether it’s a Chinese weapons manufacturer that had ties to Iran – why would you invest in a Chinese weapons manufacturer with ties to Iran? And then the weapons found their way to Hamas. The IDF found them after Hamas attacked the Israelis and in the prosecution of that war against Hamas. Why would someone do that? It’s because they wanted to make a lot of money.

McCormick Had No Response on His Record of Threatening and Retaliating Against Sexual Harassment Victims as Bridgewater CEO:

  • Senator Casey: Look, I know he’s going to continue to brag about his record as a hedge fund CEO, so let’s talk a little more about that.[…] He’s also a hedge fund CEO who silenced women when they came forward to make allegations about sexual harassment. He silenced women at the same time he was doing that, I was passing legislation with Pat Toomey to get predators who are targeting minors, and also passing legislation to make it more difficult for anyone to commit the crime of sexual assault on a campus. 
  • Dennis Owens: Your time is up. I do want to give you 15 seconds just to address that.
  • David McCormick: Listen, I’ve got a track record over 25 years in business for all workers, including women, minorities, my track record is beyond repute. […]
