Judi Reiss, Advocate Whose Son Was Killed On 9/11: “McCormick Sold Out My Family. If He Gets To Washington, He’ll Sell Out Yours Too”

PENNSYLVANIA — In a recent opinion piece, Judi Reiss, an advocate whose son died during the 9/11 attacks, called out Connecticut hedge fund executive and mega-millionaire David McCormick for his deep financial ties to the Saudi government

McCormick’s Saudi ties are proving to be a “political liability” as criticism continues to mount.

Read key points below:

PennLive: Why I can’t forgive David McCormick’s Saudi business ties | Opinion

  • I have a photograph of my son taken at his graduation, 15 months before his death […]He was 23 years old working at Cantor Fitzgerald in the World Trade Center when he was killed. 
  • The people who murdered my son had ties to the Saudi government. Osama Bin Laden himself was a Saudi with connections to the royal family. These people used their wealth to spread extremism around the world.
  • With this in mind, you can understand my disgust when I saw the report that both David McCormick, Mitch McConnell’s preferred Pennsylvania Senate candidate, and his wife, Dina Powell McCormick, have deep financial ties to the Saudi government.
  • This is someone who profited from managing money for people with ties to the terrorists who helped murder my son. This by itself turns my stomach, but the idea that he would then turn around and ask me for my vote? That’s truly disgusting.
  • It’s not just McCormick who is compromised, but his wife has deep financial ties to the Saudi government as well. […] David McCormick has repeatedly proven that he is not someone who deserves our trust. He has shown us time and time again that he will fight for the Saudi or Chinese governments, his friends on Wall Street and his own bottom line over Pennsylvania families every chance he gets.
  • McCormick sold out my family. If he gets to Washington, he’ll sell out yours too. We can’t let that happen.
